Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Treasure Hunting

It has been so crazy busy over here
it is ridiculous!
The funny thing is that
nothing is getting done.
Abigayle has been in a horrible mood
and it is taking so much time
coaxing her back into niceness.

We went to the library yesterday.
Brayden participated the first half,
Blake participated the second half
and Abigayle LOVED the entire thing!!
She toddled right over,
picked out her own mat
carried it all the way back
and sat on it the entire time, lol
We will be going again on Tuesday
and hopefully these boys will start liking it too.

Chuck went treasure hunting yesterday.
We are so proud of him!
While diving he found something amazing!
Can you guess what it is?
that's not it...
no, that's not it either...
Do you give up?
Well... I'll just tell you then.
He found a snapple bottle!!!

Well... I guess it wasn't that amazing
but I did think it was funny when he told me!
His team had finished their project
so his teacher sent him down
to the bottom of the lake
in search of a snapple bottle.
Poor Chuck, had no idea
where it had been thrown,
or what it looked like.
He was just told that the teacher
threw a bottle with a line somewhere in the lake.
After about 10-15 minutes,
he found a line hanging in the lake.
He pulled about 10 feet of line in
and found the floating snapple bottle.
Now remember, this lake only has
1-2 feet of visibility so this task is actually
harder than it sounds.
I told him they were just teaching him
how to treasure hunt, lol.
Hopefully one day
he'll find something amazing!!
Today, I am grateful for my children.
Although some days are harder than others
I couldn't imagine my life without anyone of them!!

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