Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yesterdays post is gone

So... yesterday's post just seemed to have disappeared.
It was there yesterday when I posted it,
but it is no longer here OR in my editing section.
Wierd but... oh well.

So, if you read this yesterday
I'm sorry but it is such a great recipe
you have to go make it!!!

I made the best pork chops.
Well... they were REALLY good but my
favorite recipe includes a lot of prep.
But this one will be my new go to meal.
It is so simple and so easy!!

I cut potatoes, carrots, celery and onion
and put them in my crock pot.
I dropped 4 pork chops (still frozen) on top.
Then mix in a small bowl:
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1-2 cups chicken broth (depending on how many veggies you add)
1 Tab Italian Seasoning
1 Tab Poultry Seasoning
2 garlic cloves chopped
Mix and pour over chops and veggies.

Cook on high for 4 hours
Baste after chops begin defrosting and can be pulled apart.

Next time I'll start it in the morning and turn it on low.
Brayden dipped his into BBQ sauce and when Chuck tried it
he said it tasted just like Tony Romas!!
I might try adding a little bit of BBQ sauce in the crock pot next time =)
I am thankful for family dinners!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hersey's Chocolate World

We drove to Hersey, PA over the weekend.
We had so much fun!!
The town of Hersey was actually built
for the Hersey Chocolate Factory.The street names were Chocolate, Cocoa, etc.
Notice the light poles.
They are chocolate kisses!!!
They were soooo cute!!

There was a ride that taught us all about the
cocoa bean and how they turned it into
the famous Hersey's Chocolate.

Obviously there was soo much fun stuff to look
at even Daddy wasn't interested in looking at the camera, lol.

Ab's was also in aw.
She was able to sit in the seat by herself and had a ball!!
It smelled like wonderful warm chocolate
throughout this ride.
The massive amount of candy that this factory
produces is crazy!!!
They make 70 MILLION Hersey kisses
each and every day.
Peggy, we thought of you.
You all know how much Blake loves his chocolate,
I think he thought he was in heaven.
This chocolate bar weighed 5 lbs!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's Cold

Wow, what a change the weather has taken!!
We traveled to Hersey, PA yesterday
and good thing we brought along our jackets!
It was chilly.

Last night and today is down right cold.
I finally broke down and turned on the heater.
The apartment was in the 50's.

We had fun Friday night.
One of Chuck's friends
came over for dinner.
Can you believe he'd
never heard of pilaf?!!!
Needless to say, Aunt Ya's
recipe was a hit!!
Thanks Uncle Ya! lol.

I'll post pictures of Hersey tomorrow.

I am thankful for the relaxing day we are having!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Popsicle and Jammies

So... we totally had a Popsicle emergency this morning.
Blake was eating a carrot.
This boy LOVES his carrots and celery.
Well, he accidental bit his tongue
Apparently it hurt REALLY bad.
He was quietly eating,
and everyone knows Blake is not often quiet, lol.
He started SCREAMING and totally freaking out!! We immediately got a super yummy and cold
popsicle and soon he was all smiles.
Of course Brayden had to have a popsicle too.
And Ab's didn't think it was fair that she
was left out so Brayden shared with her.
Notice Taffy in the background
hoping for some to fall onto the ground.

They obviously really enjoyed their treat!

Popsicles in their jammies.

Who'da thought??!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


We made butterflies today!
The boys had so much fun,
well... so did Abigayle.
She really enjoyed pulling off
all the butterflies pretties. lol
We have been practicing scissors techniques
and since the boys have been doing
so great with basic cutting I thought
we'd make a project.
They loved cutting the shapes
and then there was the glue.
Honestly... what is there not to love about glue??!!
Lots and lots of glue.
The loved learning about butterflies
as they were making their pieces of art.

Brayden was awfully proud of his butterfly,
Abigayle was obeying by looking but if you notice
she is actually picking off an eyeball.
And then there is Blake, obviously upset that
Mommy is making him take this picture.
He'd much rather be playing with his new creature.

We had a much better day today than yesterday.
Everyone took a nap (well everyone 5 and under)
I cleaned the apartment,
made a cake in the microwave
and had dinner almost ready
by the time Chuck made it home from school.
The boys were asleep before 8:00pm,
sent Chuck out with a few friends from class,
Ab's is fighting sleep
but soon I will have a book in my hand
and a quite house!!

Today I am thankful for peacefulness.

Almost 12 Hours of Sleep

So... yesterday was HORRIBLE!!!
The boys fought all day long,
kicking, hitting, yelling, etc.
I swear they sat in time out
more times than I can count
and actually got spanked.
They refused to nap
so even though they rested
they were really tired.

I left with Abigayle to run a few errands,
Mommy needed to get out!!!
Chuck stayed home
and tried to get these boys to sleep.
Blake fell asleep at 6:15 ish
Brayden fell asleep at 6:30 ish
and Ab's fell asleep at 6:50.
They were all awake at 6:00am this morning
and what a difference this morning has already been!!

So... instead of blogging,
I'm going to get to work.

Chuck brought home more pictures of him diving
and I still have the pictures from the weekend.
I'll do my best to post some tomorrow.

Today, I am grateful for sleep and the wonderful
effects it has on my children!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Treasure Hunting

It has been so crazy busy over here
it is ridiculous!
The funny thing is that
nothing is getting done.
Abigayle has been in a horrible mood
and it is taking so much time
coaxing her back into niceness.

We went to the library yesterday.
Brayden participated the first half,
Blake participated the second half
and Abigayle LOVED the entire thing!!
She toddled right over,
picked out her own mat
carried it all the way back
and sat on it the entire time, lol
We will be going again on Tuesday
and hopefully these boys will start liking it too.

Chuck went treasure hunting yesterday.
We are so proud of him!
While diving he found something amazing!
Can you guess what it is?
that's not it...
no, that's not it either...
Do you give up?
Well... I'll just tell you then.
He found a snapple bottle!!!

Well... I guess it wasn't that amazing
but I did think it was funny when he told me!
His team had finished their project
so his teacher sent him down
to the bottom of the lake
in search of a snapple bottle.
Poor Chuck, had no idea
where it had been thrown,
or what it looked like.
He was just told that the teacher
threw a bottle with a line somewhere in the lake.
After about 10-15 minutes,
he found a line hanging in the lake.
He pulled about 10 feet of line in
and found the floating snapple bottle.
Now remember, this lake only has
1-2 feet of visibility so this task is actually
harder than it sounds.
I told him they were just teaching him
how to treasure hunt, lol.
Hopefully one day
he'll find something amazing!!
Today, I am grateful for my children.
Although some days are harder than others
I couldn't imagine my life without anyone of them!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sorry it's been a few days

Sorry it's been a few days,
I thought I'd start posting at night
instead of in the mornings
but I've discovered that I'm just too tired.

So... to catch everyone up.
Chuck is going to keep his new nickname
for a while longer it seems.
His friend missed one question
on their last test on Friday
and Cheatin Chuck missed two, lol.
He now has a 93.5% for the whole school.
They are scheduled to dive everyday this week.

Over the weekend,
we planned to tap maple trees for sap.
Unfortunately this didn't happen.
We tried to leave but traffic
was horrible (the Susan G Koman was going on)
We are going to try again next weekend.
HOPEFULLY all will go as planned
next weekend is the last weekend
you can tap maple trees.

I am excited though,
Mom and Curt are coming

I'll post pictures tomorrow of the kids
playing outside this weekend.
They had so much fun,
playing outside in the sun!

Today, I am thankful for the wonderful weather!!
It is cool and crisp and looks like rain today.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So... it's official,
The McAllister family
is better at playing tennis
on the Wii than in real life, lol.

Now that I know
how hilarious we are,
I'll take pictures tonight
and post tomorrow.

We definitely had a blast!!

Chuck took another test yesterday.
This was really funny,
his good friend, Keller,
turned in his test really fast.
When the teacher graded it,
he got a 100%.
The teacher asked to see his hand
and Keller was confused.
The teacher said he wanted to check
to see if he was cheating.
They laughed, he showed his hand,
proved there was nothing and
turned around and said
"good thing he didn't check my sleeve!"
Everyone laughed and the teacher said
"Well, if Chuck gets a 100%
then I know you guys are cheating"
Chuck stated, "Hey Keller,
I'll miss one so it doesn't blow our cover."
Everyone laughed.
Chuck finished his test,
turned it in,
and guess how many he missed?
That's right... ONE!!!

His new nickname is Cheatin Chuck!!

He is definitely the teachers pet for this phase!

Today, I am thankful that even though
we do not always understand why
something is happening in our lives,
God is always in control!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Last night, I peeked in on our children
as they were sleeping
and noticed how peaceful they were
and how they sleep in such odd
positions sometimes.
Brayden and Blake were hanging
over each other and 1/2 way off the bed
and Abigayle was sprawled out
as usual, with her head on the pillow
arms straight out, legs spread
just sleeping away.
I wish I would have taken
pictures but I found these
from about a month ago.
Above was Abigayle,
Sound asleep,
sitting up,
head tilted up,
which is her favorite position.
For some reason
when she is fighting sleep
all I have to do
is put her in her
highchair and walk away.

Here's Blake,
no covers, he's NEVER liked them.
If he gets cold,
he just comes and cuddles with you
and kicks your covers off too. lol.
Ankles crossed,
he's also done this since he was a baby
not sure why, but it is awfully cute!
Arms straight up,
seriously this kid,
has and probably always will take up
as much room as he possibly can
while sleeping!

Then there is Brayden,
curled in a ball,
under LOTS of covers,
huge pillow,
and yes Cloud (his stuffed monkey)
is tucked in with him.

These boys are total opposites.

Then it dawned on me...

It runs in the family.

Here is Bailey.
I mean really??!!!
Could you sleep like that?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our Adventure

I received this card yesterday:

Since I met you,
all I can think about
is making you happy.
I want to see your smile
and hear your laughter.
I want to kiss away
old hurts
and hold you
until you know
without a doubt
that this is for real...

I want to memorize
the sound of your voice
and the dreams
of your heart.
More than anything else,
I want to make you happier
than you've ever been before,
and give you all the things
that you truly deserve.

Then he writes some other things
and ends with this.

Soon we will be out of this turd hole
of a town and start on our
new adventure.

Your One and Only

To this I must say,

You complete me
I cannot imagine going
though this big adventure
of life without you.

May we have many
"new adventures"
to add to our book!
Your Co-Pilot

Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm sick now

Well... I caught Chuck's cold.
Fun huh?

Ab's has had diarrhea for the last few days,
and it just dawned on me that
that is her version of the cold.

Today we will lay low
and hopefully we will feel better tomorrow,
we have our first library play time tomorrow.

Exciting news,
Abigayle now likes
fish sticks and chicken nuggets!!
At least it is a start at liking meat, right?

Today, I am grateful that I have found
the only diaper rash ointment
that has kept Ab's little bottom clear during this diarrhea!!
Thank you Arbone!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Did someone say Noah?

We are flooding over here.
Didn't know we needed paddles to drive on the freeway
but oh my goodness there was a ton of water!!
When we went out yesterday
the rain was coming down so hard
that we could hardly see
and everything was so flooded that
it was ridiculous!!

With the massive amount of snow
that has just melted,
I'm just not sure if New Jersey
can really take anymore any more water.
We look like a swamp land over here.

I'm very excited that we finally
found a Costco!
It was raining so hard
that by the time I made it into the building
my hair was literally dripping!
All I could do was laugh.

I am very excited to finally have good
food at a good price!!
My freezer is STUFFED!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

100 Percent AGAIN

Chuck took his test yesterday and received
another 100%!!!

Well... actually the teacher
marked one question wrong
and Chuck asked why get got it wrong.
Chuck told him that was the right answer
and the teacher agreed.
Actually the answer sheet had the wrong
answer on it.
The teacher laughed and said,
'no wonder so many people were getting
that question wrong'. lol
So... he get a 100%

Scuba class was supposed to start yesterday.
This is an extra class
and it held after school on Fridays
then one Saturday.
They showed up, started filling out paperwork
and the owner showed up and cancelled the class.
They will most likely start class next week.
Chuck was able to come home early
and it was such a nice surprise!

Brayden and I soon left and headed to
Target and to the library.
I decided to go farther and head to another library
and I was pleasantly surprised.
They actually had a good supply of Christian books
Even a Beth Moore book!!!
I am so excited!!
I asked why they had books that
their website said they didn't have.
And they explained that I couldn't search
'all libraries'
I had to search only 'public libraries'
Which makes no sense to me but at least now I know!
I'll search and have them transferred
to my little library next time.

I am thankful scuba class was postponed a week
and now Chuck will be able to enjoy
our company and some sightseeing!!
Liberty Hall and Statue of Liberty we will see you soon!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

We took a walk

The weather was nice yesterday
and we were finally able to leave the apartment.
We took a walk to K-Mart and Dollar Tree.
This is the only thing within walking distance,
so... it'll have to do.

The boys each picked out a new coloring book
and then I picked out Abigayle's first girly coloring book.
She loves to color when we do schoolwork.

I finished my book yesterday.
Decided it was a really good book
and if anyone wants to read about deep wreck diving
you should read this book.
It is based on facts and interviews on a lost
WWII sub.
The experiences are all real and it goes into
detail about diving.
The commercial diver in the book actually
went to Chuck's school.
And the German submarine was found it New Jersey waters.
All the experiences are true to diving so
if you are interested in knowing what
Chuck will be experiencing while working,
you should check it out.
We bought it on Amazon for $1.25!!
It is called Shadow Divers
Written by Robert Kurson.
I am thankful for our library,
which helps my children grow their
imagination, fun free entertainment,
and gives me an opportunity to become
lost in great books!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chuck got his feet wet

And he did GREAT!! This dive hat he is wearing is solid brass and weighs 40lbs,
but it floats in the water.
When he made it down only about 3 feet
the hat was floating so high that he couldn't even see out of it.
He had to resurface,
have it adjusted,
then go back down.
At about 20 feet down his lead line
became caught in his air value on his dive hat
and actually shut off his oxygen.
He quickly turned it back on and continued his decent.
Once he made it to the bottom,
28 feet at this point in the lake,
he walked backwards
did his line pulls,
then continued to his project.
The project was timed and when he found it,
it was in a hole.
He couldn't bend his head down to look at the project
cause the hat will let water in so he did this project
without looking.
He still finished in enough time,
got a 100% on this project
and spent 35 minutes under water.
He said the visibility was about a foot.
All he could see was green.
Brayden was excited since his favorite color is green!
THANKFULLY one of his buddies
was tending him so he was confident his gear was set correctly.
Some guys couldn't clear their ears
so they had to come back up and try again another day.
Another guy totally freaked out and wouldn't dive
and Chuck said that today was the day
that separated the men from the boys, lol.
Aren't these pictures great!!!
Today, I am thankful that my husband had a clear
mind and was able to turn his oxygen back on!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am Frustrated

I am frustrated

While making this decision to move to New Jersey
we tried to think of everything.
Obviously, we all know that wouldn't happen
but we tried.
Most things have gone as planned.
God protected our travels,
we are in a safe neighborhood,
the children are happy
and Chuck is doing great in school.
But we have had some major hangups
which is really bumming me out right now.

Our house didn't sell,
and I feel as if we trusted a friend who let us down with that
which makes it even harder.
Now we are attempting to rent it,
and I feel we have a great team helping us with this,
but we have to invest more money than I'd like to, to get it going.
We were denied unemployment
which I don't think is fair since the new career Chuck is going into
is in high demand and benefits the economy,
plus it is a super stable career and construction is not.
I'm appealing this decision but who knows how long that will take.
I never thought that moving to New Jersey
would actually cause us to loose contact with important people to our family
but apparently the distance has strained our relationships
and I'm really frustrated with this.

On a lighter note,
I have mixed feelings about our library.
Looks like it has a great children's section and programs
but they are seriously lacking things for me.
I was wanting to borrow a Beth Moore book or two
and they don't have a single book in the entire Camden County written by her.
Their Christian section is primarily based on actual Bibles or Dr. Phil books.
Guess, I'll start looking in the history section.
I am ready a great book on diving.
I've really enjoyed reading again.

So... I've decided that at the end of each post
I'm going to think of something that I'm thankful for
and share it with everyone.
Keep things in perspective, right?

So, I am so thankful for the understanding and support my mom and step dad has given us throughout this entire process!! THANKS!! We cannot wait to see you in 22 days!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I finally broke Brayden from his counting bad habits!
Boy this was a challenge yesterday,
but I told him if he counted correctly to daddy
then I'd clean up the mess they made in the living room.
If he didn't do it right,
he'd have to clean it up.
Guess who had to clean the living room.
Yep, it was me and I was happy to do it!!
This morning he even woke up
counting correctly!!
Well worth all the time and effort.
Both boys are learning so much
with our school work.
I'm so encouraged!
I love teaching them and watching how they learn.
I wouldn't be surprised if both boys are at the same
level soon except for writing.
I'm very proud of them both!
Chuck is supposed to dive today,
and although he is very excited about it
he is still sick.
If he goes down and cannot clear his ears
from his cold he could blow an eardrum.
I told him to be careful and not risk doing damage.
But this is very disappointing.
He's waited so long for this day.
HOPEFULLY he will feel better soon.
I suggested he go see the doctor and get an
antibiotic if it is a sinus infection to help clear him up faster.
I'm also ordering a Swiss product to make sure this doesn't happen again.
Sickness travels around the school like crazy.
While dry diving last Thursday,
all 17 men were sharing one dive hat
and one regulator.
This is one reason why they require such an
extensive physical before you are accepted into the school.
No communicable diseases wanted here!

Monday, March 8, 2010

static cling

We decided that the beach was calling our name
this weekend since the snow has finally melted!!
It was sooo beautiful!
The boys build a little sand castle
and collected a TON of sea shells.
Abigayle is super great at collecting sea shells!
She was having so much fun putting all kinds of
shells and rocks in our bag
she soon found out that she could scoop up sand
with her big clam shell and dump
sand into our bag.
She thought she was so cute,
and I must admit,
she was!
So glad Chuck brought a map
our GPS battery died and the charger wouldn't work.
We would have been soo lost.
But I dug out the map and eventually we made it home.
Abigayle LOVES slides!
She had so much fun sliding down
that her hair stuck straight up!

Too bad we were too far away
but this bridge opened up to let a boat pass.
It was really cool to see a HUGE boat
go though.

I know this isn't a really good picture
but I've had a hard time catching Abigayle
give kisses.
She has figured out how to pucker.
She has the cutest little fishie face with her fat cheeks!
Chuck has a cold now
and has to get better soon
he is supposed to start diving in the lake on Tuesday.
Hopefully he won't miss his first oppertunity
to dive.
He is so looking forward to it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Trying to figure out what to do today.
It is supposed to be 50 degrees for the first time this winter!!
We are so excited!
Think we might go to the beach and have a picnic.
We had so much fun last weekend,
even though it was freezing.
I'll post pictures of our adventures tomorrow!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Grocery stores

Brayden informed me that the snow has almost melted
so I need to find a new background, lol.
So... be patient while I try out a few backgrounds.
Went grocery shopping yesterday after Chuck
was done with school.
I'm so frustrated with New Jersey stores!!
The produce is so incredibly expensive,
so brused up and half rotten.
Plus they don't have a lot of food you can buy in Cali.
like molassas, almost anything Mexican and many more things.
Having trouble finding decent food.
When walking down the isles you see people
flocked in the frozen food isle
and pre packaged food section.
All the restaurants parking lots are full so I'm
convinced that not too many people actually cook at home here.
I am so excited to have found a great
web-site for recipes!!
I'm looking forward to using my new crockpot.
Plus the meals I can make in it can still contain veggies without
using the expensive, half rotten, fresh ones.
Chuck didn't dive yesterday
but he was as excited as a child on Christmas Eve with anticipation.
He will for sure dive next week.
Hoping to go to the library today when Chuck gets home.
I think the kids will enjoy it,
plus I'd like to find some reading material!!
Looking forward to a yummy dinner and a good book!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

second in his class

yesterday was such a busy day,
we cleaned our little apartment from top to bottom.
out of all three kids
i think ab's is becoming the best helper.
she saw me mopping the kitchen floor by hand
and she ran into the other room and grabbed herself
a hand towel and started scrubbing on her hands and knees!
brayden did a great job too with a little encouragement
but blake... he was hilarious!
i'd hear, 'momma, my legs and arms are soooooo tired.'
i'd tell him he could either go sit in time-out or he could help.
he actually choose to sit in time out some of the time,
can you believe that?!!
he did help once he realized he wasn't going to get to watch
fox and the hound if he didn't help but he was so funny to watch.
chuck is doing so well in school!
the owner (momma brown) called three students into her
office yesterday and two were kicked out because they didn't pass their drug test
and one was given his last warning before he is kicked out.
his class took a quiz yesterday
and chuck got the second highest grade in the class!!
they did dry diving yesterday.
the helmet itself weighed 40 lbs and with chuck's small head
he said it almost made it so he couldn't see, lol.
one student was really afraid and almost passed out,
and when they cut the air off of another student
he didn't even notice
until 2 minutes had passed, they finally asked him over the com
if everything was ok.
then he freaked out since he realized he'd be breathing his CO2 for so long.
thankfully these helmets float when he in the water
he won't have a problem seeing.
he said the oxygen constantly being pushed into this helmet
was so wierd and there was so much pressure it wasn't like
normal breathing.
he said i wouldn't be able to handle this type of helmet, lol.
there is a possibility that they might actually dive today!!
on a side note, abigayle can now climb a ladder up to the
top bunk on the boys bed. nice huh?
and although a 'suggestion' was made
to try to get my children to take naps at the same time,
i just want to report that even though they
did all three nap at the same time yesterday,
and i was able to read for the first time in peace and quiet
in such a long time
lets just say... i didn't get much sleep last night.
ab's did not sleep well and i will not be trying to move her
nap a little later in the day.
thanks mom!! i blame my sleepless night on you!! lol

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Friend

For everyone who knows Brayden
he talks about "his friends".
Everyone he sees in the grocery store,
to friends he remembers at church.
Well... he doesn't like to share those special friends
so Blake had to come up with his own.
So... this is what he told me the other day,
"Momma, you know my friends Mimi and Mark?"
I of course said, yes.
He said, "we went to the zoo and fed the giraffe's, huh?
That was fun."
So... here are a few pictures of Blakes "friends"
at the zoo.

All four kiddos were so brave and fed the HUGE
We had so much fun that day.
Chuckie started his second phase and seems to like his teacher.
She was a diver in the Gulf of Mexico for about 10 years
and full of very important/interesting information.
She is strict and doesn't allow the slackers in the class to talk!
Which is a huge blessing since they are very distracting.
His rubber dive suit had to be sent back (due to the boot size being wrong) so
his first dives, into the FREEZING cold lake either later this week
or the beginning of next week, will be in a wet suit!!
The snow is finally melting and hopefully soon we will
get to play outside!!