Thursday, June 2, 2011


I know... it's been a long time. Blogging has been on the bottom of my list these days. Hopefully things will start looking up for us really soon and I'll get back into the swing of blogging again. Chuckie is at a job interview as I type! (please pray!) I know that God is in control and I'm sure all His plans for our family will start unfolding soon, I'm just not really good at waiting...

So, in the meantime, I thought I'd share a few pictures with ya'll. Abigayle and I
I asked my dear husband to shave his goatee and mustache, just to see what he'd look like. He came out looking like this!! HAHA!! We laughed until we almost pee'd our pants, took a bunch of really funny pictures (with girl sunglasses, life vests, police badges, etc) and then laughed even harder when Abigayle was scared of him! The boys crawled in bed the next morning with me and asked who that man was laying next to me!! Hahaha!!
It still makes me giggle!

This is my new crew!

My kids, you know.

Abigayle, Brayden and Blake

but you may not know Breyon (in the orange) and Brit with the dark hair. Breyon is my next door neighbor who tends to wonder to my house most evenings when she is hungry or just looking to hang out. Brit is a friend of hers who has become a friend of mine now and Brayden's super best baseball player friend, lol. They are always over, they help themselves to my food, play with my kids, and now are my exercise buddies! We've become good friends very quickly even though I'm almost 10 years older!

My garden has become something that I LOVE!!

If you visit my house, you must visit my garden!

I have: green beans

Armenian cucumbers (well blooms only)


red tomato

snap peas


little red creepy bugs

yellow squash



spring lettuce

and watermelon, cilantro, rosemary, basil, yellow tomato, honeydew, watermelon, jalapeno, bell pepper, garlic chives and red onions. My garden makes me happy! We've only been able to eat the zucchini and lettuce so far but as you can see we will soon be eating more and more!

1 comment:

  1. awww...i missed your posts =) and i'm so jealous of your fabulous garden!! i'm so bummed i can't do ANYTHING this year, but next year i have big plans =) hope all is well!
