Saturday, May 8, 2010

my back hurts

i'm not complaining
just explaining.
i hurt my back last week.
it was feeling better
but i woke up this morning
and it was tender again
so... i thought the perfect ending for today
would be a nice hot bubble bath.

so i start the hot water,
shoo out the kids,
add the bubbles,
slip in, grab my book
and begin relaxing.

that is where the relaxing bubble bath ended.
the kids needed to be reminded to leave the bathroom twice
then someone needed to poop.
so... i lay in my nice bubble bath
smelling the mixture of lavender and poop!!
then one little girl makes her way in
leaning over, splashing
and enjoying all the bubbles
another little person makes their way in
leaning over the water talking the entire time
ab's realizes that if she could just climb in
she would have complete access to milk
and after i tell her not now,
she stops trying to climb in
she decides to lean over with her mouth wide open,
smiling with this determined look on her face.
thankfully i caught her before she fell in
but it was at this moment
i realized
this is motherhood
and i wouldn't change a thing.

although all i wanted was a nice relaxing
15 minutes of 'me' time
i received an audience,
abundance of non stop talking,
splashing and an unpleasant aroma...
i felt very blessed to have such a wonderful family!!
and a family that feels so comfortable to remind me of this
while i'm naked in the tub, lol

here are my beautiful children
enjoying my mother's day bath.


  1. Im sorry i had to poop bad:(
    you can take another bath on sunday :)

    Just remember we all love you lots with all of are plops (o)

  2. ahhhh....that's a mothers love right there =)

  3. gee...I wonder who posted that first comment :)

    You have some very blessed kiddos! We sure do miss them....and you guys too :)

  4. The first comment says it all. And it is very true.!!!!

  5. Happy Mom Day! I will have to find this poem to share with you. . . you will love it!!!! It totally fits your bathtime fun today!
