Monday, October 17, 2011


YAY!! Blogger worked today!!! I've been trying every week since it stopped allowing me to post pictures and just today it let me! I uploaded the pictures backwards (yes it's been that long and I'd forgotten how blogger posts them backwards until I saw it, lol. So please forgive the backwards story)

I have TONS to catch up on but first I must start off with Abigayle's third birthday. She turned three just a few days ago and since daddy is still in Maine, we only had a "skype birthday". You can kind of see him on the computer screen below. Our day started at 4:50 in the morning when Brayden woke up. I told him to go back to bed since it was too early but he convinced me to lay in my bed until he was allowed up. BIG MISTAKE!! He tossed and turned and neither of us slept till I finally told him he could get up at 5:15. Then at 5:20 Blake woke up screaming bloody murder that his tummy hurt. I fly out of bed, trying to figure out what was wrong but he couldn't tell me anything since he was still so sleepy. I managed to distract him with cartoons while I got Ab's who was screaming in bed cause she was woken by all the craziness, lol. What a way to wake up on your birthday, huh? lol Anyways, it wasn't long before everyone was happy and our day began. We sang, we tickled, we loved a while then we started school. Everyone managed to finish all their schoolwork by 9:10 in the morning (that's what happens when you start before the sun comes up!!) So we had the rest of the day to celebrate!
Ab's chose a strawberry cake and her momma's oven cooked a bit to hot leaving it a little darker than she'd like. Then that very same momma was distracted when making the frosting and added too much milk making it too thin to cover the little bit too dark cake underneath. Good thing she's little and cute and loves her mommy even when she does silly rookie things like that. It sure tasted yummy though! We sang happy birthday over skype and opened a few presents. Her real party (and I promise this cake will be waaay better!) will be sometime when daddy gets home before he leaves for Mexico.
Here is Ab's telling my mom that she's three over the phone, lol.
And here she is eating her favorite breakfast, a fried egg. Soon as we sang Happy Birthday to her, she dipped her finger into the yoke and smiled :)

Happy birthday little girl!!

She loves the color pink,
She love to play dress up,
She won't fall asleep unless you sing "Jesus loves me" to her in her bed.
She sleeps in her bed 'aww night yong!' (I must say she says it so cute!)
She rocks her babies when they cry and covers them when they are cold,
She chooses how her hair gets done daily,
She often carries an imaginary kitty around in her hand and remembers where she puts it if she doesn't have it with her.
She still loves to be cuddled.
She still thinks I nurse her even though she's been weaned for MONTHS and asks daily for more 'night-night'
Mommy asks her to stop growing up so fast and she'll respond "me try" with her lips frowned and her eyebrows down.

Mommy loves you baby girl!

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