homemade laundry soap
grate 1/3 bar Fels Naptha soap
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup washing soda (NOT baking soda)
in a saucepan add 6 cups water and grated soap. heat until dissolved over medium low heat. once soap has melted, add borax and washing soda and heat until dissolved.
add 4 cups water to a 5 gallon bucket. pour in soap mixture and 1 gallon plus 6 cups water. stir, cover and let set for 24 hours.
use funnel to transfer soap to old laundry detergent jugs, milk or juice jugs. shake well and use 1/2 cup per load. can use this for HE machines or regular washing machines.
borax can be purchased at walmart or target. you can use any less fragrant bar soap like dove or ivory but fels naptha is recommended. fels naptha and washing soda can be purchased online or at ACE hardware. if your local ace hardware doesn't carry it in stock you can have them order it to the store without paying for shipping. i calculated out the costs using ace hardware prices and borax purchased at target and found a 5 gallon bucket of detergent (double the recipe above) costs $2.80 to make!! you can add fragrance to it if you'd like or just use fabric softener.
to make your own fabric softener sheets you can buy 1 bottle of your favorite liquid fabric softener and pour it into a bucket. fill the container with water 2 more times and add to bucket. cut sponges in half and float in liquid. squeeze out additional fabric softener and add to dryer. reuse sponges. i actually have mine in an old ice cream container since i don't have room for buckets.
if you have any questions, just ask. we love the savings and how nice it cleans!
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