we've had such bad luck lately. with all the computer issues we've had i guess we just needed to add one more to the list. haven't been blogging lately since my computer power cord broke. we have two laptops and both were out of service, kind-of. the borrowed computer screen is still mysteriously showing a ton of static rectangles. i plugged it into our monitor and the rectangles transferred so i know it is not the monitor but something internal. i could read posts on facebook if i scrolled down and then back up and then back down until i could figure out what people were saying. sorry for all the errors on my part since i couldn't even see what i was typing. our laptop's power cord only worked if you pushed it with your finger, held your tongue out to the left, raised your right hand and could type really fast since you really only have about 30 seconds before it would shut down. thankfully i found one on ebay for $11.00 and now it works!!
tomorrow i'll be cooking and baking like a crazy woman. i'm actually looking forward to it! i'm not going to tell you what i'll be cooking, in fear i won't accomplish it all, lol. headed to oakhurst on wednesday. we will be celebrating 5 birthdays this weekend. popi, bailey, mark, uncle johnny and paige - all within a week and a half. i think everyone will like their gifts this year =-) but i'm most looking forward to seeing family and talking with other adults. we still don't know anyone down here so unless my husband is home, pammy is available or my mom is traveling home from work, i get to talk to my kids. san pedro is very very clicky and unless you've been born and raised here you're not going to get anywhere with anyone. hopefully i'll have some yummy goodness to share with you soon =-)
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
11 hours ago
yummy!! share your recipes when you're finished =) we're baking pumpkin bread tomorrow!