ever since i was old enough to drive, i became the designated 'grocery shopper'. i used to get wired looks from fellow shoppers and i'd laugh. here i was, a 16 year old girl with an absolute huge grocery cart filled to the top with all kinds of food. must have been a strange sight. my mom has never been a fan of grocery shopping so once i was old enough, she gladly passed over the car keys and a blank check. she even set it up at the store for me to write a check for her. looking back... i totally should have taken advantage of this, lol. anyways... i honestly don't mind shopping. i don't even mind taking the kids with me as long as they are in good moods. thankfully they prefer chicken tenders or pretzels over candy so feeding them to make them happy and our shopping trip faster is totally fine in my books.
blake has been having several difficult days lately. i'm not sure why he is acting out. he is sleeping 10.5 - 11.5 hrs per day so he is within the normal range, i've been trying to give him extra special attention to make sure he knows he is loved and not feeling left out and trying every trick in the book. actually, i've started a new book so hopefully i'll be able to learn a little more and dig a little deeper in his little mind. i want him to be happy and enjoy his days, not whining and sad. on one of our special outings, i took him to target. as we were walking out he said, 'mommy, look over there. i see a hotel truck' can anyone guess what that might be??
anyways... i haven't wanted or had the energy to attempt to go grocery shopping this week. when chuck came home i decided to take off. this trip was quiet and kinda funny. i had a lot to get (my cabinets were pretty bare). food prices are higher here than fresno or even new jersey but the people are so nice. the meat counter guy is young, kinda scrawny, face filled with acne but the nicest, most respectful young man you could ask for. they have an older gal who pushes a cart around offering different products to try like grapes, popcorn, yogurt, etc. she is nice and super quiet. she can sneak up on you and surprise you when she starts talking. then there is the deli gal. she is older, dark stringy hair under her hair net. she looks like she should be a lunch lady (sorry mom) and she talks with a very strong german accent. she doesn't chat with you while she is working and doesn't move very fast, but she looks you right in the eye and wishes you a great evening with a crocked smile. she makes me smile =-) the checkers are all super nice (except one of the managers that i complained about) and nice to talk with while checking out.
all in all our alberstons over here is really nice. i had two favorite parts to tonight's shopping trip. the first was the 75-80 year old, gray haired, very slow moving woman who smiled and eyes twinkled with the 'i'm proud to be drug free' ribbon attached by a broach to her sweater and also when i saw the $245 dollar bill drop to $150 after my coupons and bonus card. i feel so much better knowing my cabinets are full and there is plenty to eat. plus we will be having a yummy new dish tomorrow night!!
oh... did you guess what the 'hotel truck' was? a huge motor home. =-)
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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