Abigayle is turning 2 tomorrow and I'm amazed as to how fast time has flown by. I'm excited to see her grow but sad all at the same time. She is our last and I just don't want my baby getting any bigger. My boys can just stop growing too. I'd be completely happy if they all just stayed the same.
We had such a wonderful week up in Fresno last week with both sets of grandparents and it seems as if this week back has been so fast. I'm not caught up on laundry or dishes but we've been doing some great school work to make up for the lack of it last week. We are headed back up tomorrow night (arriving really late) but then the official celebration begins for Ab's with all the family. She loves Tinkerbell or as she calls her Bell-Bell so I'm making her a Tinkerbell cake with sparkles and all. We are super excited about this little trip!! Not only do we get to see both sets of grandparents (which makes my heart happy to see my kids playing with all of them) but also Aunts, Uncles and the Uncle Lala who is really an aunt but has a funny name, lol. but we also get to see all kinds of cousins and the best part is that my husband actually gets to join us this time!!! Not only will the drive be nicer but we will all be together for several days with makes me very happy!!
I'll remember my camera this time and hopefully be able to post pictures from both trips when I get home. Thanks to Curt he took pictures and put them on a CD for me from last week. Thanks!!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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