she is quiet, peaceful and even-tempered.
she doesn't allow any disobedience
but doesn't hold a grudge or frown upon the misbehavior.
i saw on tv a line of elephants walking through the desert
there were babies in the line
and when they were walking with the group everything was ok
but as soon as the baby started to wonder
the mommy elephant reached out and smacked
her baby with her trunk
and pushed her baby back in line.
the baby was stunned but when he looked back up at his mommy
she was peacefully walking back in the line.
she didn't smack him more than once,
she didn't count to three,
she didn't give a long lecture,
she wasn't frowning,
she was peacefully walking once again.
there was an immediate consequence for a bad behavior.
i'm sure the baby learned very quickly what he was allowed to do.
i think this would be a great way to parent.
lay out the rules
lay out the consequences
and then act - quickly and consistently every time!
no multiple warnings. no counting to three.
simple obey the first time
or there will be consequences. period.
isn't obedience one of the first lessons we teach our children anyways?
isn't obedience absolutly vital in their (and our) lives?
i'm not sure why it is so hard but... it is.
i find the hardest part to be the walking peacefully again though.
i tend to let my children's actions affect my mood for the rest of the day.
today i am going to try to behave more like a mommy elephant
even-tempered, non-grudge holding, walking peacefully through my day.
a quick picture of my cute kiddos.
yes, there is an extra little one in the picture
but i'll clam her as one of my own =)
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