we've decided to home school our children.
i know some of you might think we are crazy
but to be honest...
we kinda think we are crazy too.
but at this point in our lives
this is what is best for us and our children.
judge or don't judge
agree or don't agree
it doesn't matter.
i promise my children will turn out great!!
i've been teaching preschool stuff
off and on for quite some time now
but brayden is officially
old enough to start kindergarten.
the schools here in san pedro
just started school on monday
so our official home school has also begun.
but was very upset when his tower of counting blocks fell.
he quickly got over it and did great the rest of the day!
and is doing great!!
he is remembering what i previously taught
and really enjoys school
as long as we stay at home.
but i'll take more pictures and post our other
project and lessons as we go along.
they are enjoying learning
and ask for more school work every day!
now... if i can only get them to ask for more chores everyday
my life would be sooo much easier, lol.
thanks for the recipe! im excited to try it out.