Monday, May 31, 2010

big helper!!

abigayle is such a big helper!!
she loves it when i do dishes
because she gets to put the
soap in.
well... actually she has decided
all on her own that this is her job.
while doing dishes the other day,
she pushed me out of the way
to get the soap
then pushed the bottom drawer back in
so she could open the soap holder
and begin squirting the soap in.
she was very determined!!!
and she did a good job.
amazing what they pick up on
all by themselves.
when she was finished she
closed the little soap door
and put the soap back away,
shut the dishwasher door
and actually started the dishwasher
i had to hurry up and finish filling it
while she was pouring in the soap, lol.

look at how proud she is!!
she now does this
EVERY time she hears me doing dishes,
even when i've just started =)


  1. that just means that she is going to grow up to become a good house wife just like her mommy!!!

    your brother

  2. OMG.. that is sooo cute!!
