* Sigh *
Parenting is tough!
Well... being a parent is actually easy,
being a good parent is really hard.
Once you conquer one issue or problem
these kid spring on a new behavior
that needs to be corrected.
I remember back in the day when I only had one child.
I remember being overjoyed, happy, thankful, grateful but
I also thought I was overwhelmed, tired and frustrated
with shots, sickness, housework, etc.
Now with 3 kids so close in age
I look back now and think,
having only one child was so easy, lol.
And I'm sure mommies with more than 3 say the same.
Mothering has come very easy to me,
I've adjusted to lack of sleep,
nursing constantly, making baby food,
teaching to share, being kind, etc.
I absolutely LOVE being a mommy.
There is nothing in this world that I'd rather
be doing right now, period!
I just think time is going too quickly.
I mean seriously, my baby is 18 months.
She is no longer a baby, she is totally a toddler!
She has thoughts of her own
and opinions she will not alter from.
Which honestly amazes me considering how young she is.
Blake is 3 1/2,
I can remember when he was born
he was sooo tiny, 5 lbs 12 oz.
Talk about lack of sleep, he nursed every hour on the hour.
Then there is Brayden,
he made me a mommy
but that has now been 5 years ago.
Where does time go?
I had so much time with just him
and was able to enjoy so much more of my baby.
I feel like I'm missing out on the special daily
things since there is so much more housework,
more cooking, more of everything
but... then I feel so blessed.
There are so many mommies out there
that are not given the opportunity to do what I do.
Well... this blog went in a
completely different direction than planned, lol.
So, here is what I was going to say.
My newest battle is nutrition.
I am very passionate about feeding
my family healthy foods.
So many studies show that metabolism,
eating habits (healthy and non healthy),
adult weight and many more things begin in early childhood.
So, I feel that as their mother
it is my responsibility to teach great nutrition and
to give them the best start possible.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that
what we put into our bodies directly affects
how good we feel, behavior, a strong immune system
and soo many health issues
yet we struggle with healthy eating.
Well... let me clarify.
We rarely eat out,
I home make most meals without the use
of boxes and pre-made items.
I've switched all of our hamburger to ground turkey
I don't cook with a lot of salt
and I don't allow the children to drink unhealthy drinks.
Water, milk and juice are allowed.
So I guess we are healthier than some
but that is just not good enough.
We need to be eating fish weekly
and a boat load more of fruits and veggies.
But how do I do this when only Blake and I like veggies?
My husband won't even touch them,
Brayden will just not eat dinner
and Abigayle just prefers to nurse
So I go through all this trouble of making it
for it to go to waste.
Waste of my time and waste of money.
So, this is my new challenge
increase fruits, veggies and fish
without making my husband mad.
I'll let you know how it goes
I'll need lots of prayers!!