i wanna go away.
far far away from all this sickness.
last year we were living in new jersey. it was 4 degrees on some days. we had snow drifts up to our hips. we didn't eat many fresh fruits or veggies since they were all shipped from cali and were wilted and beyond expensive.
blake got an ear infection... once. the other children stayed healthy.
now that we are back in fresno, we have been sick almost from the start. it started the week before christmas when my husband got a sinus infection then it traveled around the family until about a month ago. i would get everyone well for a day or two and then someone would get sick again. i finally had everyone well for 2 whole weeks. i was getting so excited!! we were planning trips to the zoo, play dates, church, etc but then it happened. we were exposed to a sickie and the kids got sick. and have stayed sick. we are now on day 17 of straight sickness.
it started off with runny noses, then two of them got ear infections. antibiotics were given but all three of them have had constant runny noses and a nasty cough for a week and a half. our follow up appointment yesterday showed that brayden now has bronchitis and blake and ab's just need to be treated with more decongestant.
then... last night happened. both blake and abigayle had a fever. neither one felt well. they tossed and turned and cried and were cold and then hot and then cold and then hot... ab's said her ear hurt and had so much congestion that she threw up several times.
i'm so tired of my babies being sick. i'm so tired of wiping snotty noses and listening to coughs. i'm so tired of having grippy kids fighting with each other cause they don't feel well.
i hope this is the last of it. if they don't feel well by tomorrow, i'm taking the other two in and hopefully leaving with a magic pill to make everyone and keep everyone well.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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