i am so proud of my kids =-) we've been through some terrible sickness's this year. someone was sick in this house for about 2 months straight. some were more serious some were just stuffy noses but any mommy knows that if your child doesn't feel well, you're entire days plan's are based on 'the meltdown', when it is going to happen and how bad it is going to be. to be honest, i'm sooo exhausted and my patience is running thin from dealing with sick kids and sick men. and any woman reading this will agree with me, men are waaaayyyy more pathetic than children!! (we've had a house guest staying with us for a few months now and he's gotten sick twice too.)
i've been paranoid. i've been spraying lysol all over the house, squirting germ busters over grocery carts and their little hands. i haven't let the kids play with library toys, or even go to church to help try to rebuild their immune systems. we were finally well for 2 weeks when... it happened. we were exposed to a sick little child and sure enough, they got sick again. brayden and ab's now have ear infections and all three little ones have stuffy noses. they are still in great moods (except at night when the ear pain begins) but we've made two trips to the doctor's office. dr miller, suggested my kids work on their timing a little more so mommy doesn't have to make two trips to the doctor, lol.
i'm so proud of them though. they usually freak out and the word 'freak' is an understatement. brayden has always been sooooo dramatic and this time he didn't even cry!! he talked to him, he listened to directions and was a perfect patient! the next day when i told abigayle we were head to see dr miller, she started crying and didn't want to go. brayden started comforting her and she behaved so well. she kept saying 'docta nic'. there was a little crying but listened and even told dr miller that she would marry him at disneyland =-) i feel very blessed to have such a great pediatrician!
we are doing a few things to help build our immune systems that i'll share with you tomorrow. hope you have a fabulous day!!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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