well... i've been absent from here due to the fact that we are moving again. yes, you read that right, i said we are moving. if you've been following this for awhile, you'd know that last year at this time, we started this adventure. my husbands job cut his pay drastically the week of thanksgiving. we looked into commercial dive school and he was enrolled by december, we moved to new jersey in january and lived there until the end of june. moved back to fresno, since our house didn't sell, found a job in long beach, ca and headed over here. this is waaaay too many moves for us. the kids have a hard time adjusting, i have a hard time getting motivated plus this time here in long beach has not been a good experience at all. we've struggled financially, struggled with the area, but most of all we've struggled with chuck's job. this move is a very very good move for us. this job seems to be a great job, God's hand is definitely guiding us here but i'm soooo tired of moving. yesterday we finished loading the trailer here in san pedro and headed to fresno. we dropped off my car, unloaded our trailer and then headed straight back here to san pedro. we left at 10:00 in the morning and arrived at midnight. long long day, especially for the kids in the car. today we have tons and tons of work to day. we've got to pack and clean and move things out to the garage to get ready for the uhaul. i'm nervous we're not going to get everything done in the amount of time we have. loading a whole house into a uhaul with just my husband and i, plus the three little helpers that do more damage than good in the process. then i have to scrub this house from top to bottom and drive 5 hrs to fresno, all within one day. rest for a few hours and unload everything into a storage unit for a few weeks. chuck will then start working at the new company, then we hang out until our renters are moved out and we move back just in time to celebrate christmas.
there is sooo much more to this move but i'm so busy i just don't have time to explain everything. i'm excited and i'm sad all at the same time. i'm excited to be coming back home. home were family is, home where new friendships are, home where our church is, home where the comforts of knowing where everything is, home where things are cheaper, home where my husband and i will be happy again. sad because we have to pack and move everything we own again, twice, sad because this is happening the week of christmas and i feel our kids are going to loose out on all the anticipation and 'funness' of christmas. they are asking about a christmas tree and lights outside houses. our christmas crafts and christmas traditions. very very few of these things will happen for us this year. although they won't really remember, i don't want this christmas to be a dud for them. christmas was always so special and such a fun time as a child, i don't want it to be a disappointment to them. especially since we've had such a difficult year. we've drug our kids from one side of the united states to the other, away from their friends and family and grandparents. we've lived in a teeny tiny apartment, back to our familiar home, and then tore them from their home to their uncles house and hotels for a few weeks then here at the beach. thankfully i'm homeschooling but things have been hard. this move is going to be great for our family, i just wish it would have happened last month. wish us the best of luck, and i'll post as soon as i can after we are settled. merry christmas to everyone!!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
Congratulations on getting to move back to Fresno! hang in there, we moved last year the week of Christmas and yes, that was hard. . . on me. I am all about traditions and trees, and the fun stuff that we do, but it all worked out and we had a blast! So, hang in there! God is in control. :)
ReplyDeleteahh...sorry you are struggling right now. but remember, home is the best place for children. as long as they are surrounded by their friends and family, the "stuff" of christmas time will never be missed. how exciting for them to celebrate christmas with a happy and healthy mommy and daddy and extended family =) can't wait to plan a play date for the future!