well... i'd love to get back to blogging
it is just so hard when we are traveling or unpacking,
or house hunting and everything
else that is crazy in our lives.
once things settle down,
i promise i'll start doing it again.
chuck got a job in long beach!!
he started last thursday.
while driving to work yesterday
we got stuck in a horrible accident
and traveled 2.1 miles in over an hour.
welcome to LA traffic.
he was an entire hour late to work.
when he arrived his boat had already left
and they had to send their little boat back
to the dock to get him.
while driving abigayle threw up not once
but THREE times!!
then blake threw up one HUGE one.
after we got chuck off to work,
we were supposed to look for houses
but had to stop at target to get more clothes
and some febreeze and cleaner to clean the car.
after everyone was clean
we began our house hunting.
our realtor has pretty much stopped helping us look
for homes so i'm pretty much on my own
in the strange town.
the first three houses we went to were
not even close to being in a safe neighborhood.
we moved to another area and soon found that
it was not safe either.
we only found one house that was a possibility.
hopefully something will pan out
and we can move down here quickly.
on a better note,
chuck actually dove in the ocean!!
he said it was awesome!!
the current was wipping him EVERYWHERE!!
when he surfaced,
he had baby shrimp all over him.
i told him to catch them and i'll cook them up for dinner next time, lol
his job was to scrap ocean life off an old WWII ship.
he said it was amazing to see all the muscles and such.
he did really well and his boss said that
they expected him to surface a lot sooner than he did,
since the current was so strong and he had a calf cramp.
he was able to swim down to the prop.
it was a 'baby prop'
only 26 feet wide.
can you imagine a 26 foot prop??
i can't, but he said that it was so huge.
he can't wait to see one that is not considered a 'baby'.
well... back to house hunting.
have a great day everyone!!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
12 hours ago
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