Well, I'm not really sure how I'm going to catch up on all the cute pictures and stories to tell so things will be out of order for awhile but... I'll do my best. Daddy missed Blake's birthday in the middle of September so when he came home for a week, we gathered together to celebrate seeing him again and Blakie's birthday!
The kids (and I) were so excited to pick him up from the airport! Blake brought 'elliot' (his kitty) just in case daddy forgot who he was and wore his too small FAVORITE blue shirt and cowboy pants. Ab's wanted to be 'super pretty' so she wore her tinkerbell costume with her mismatched high heels!! (on a side note she dropped daddy off in her minnie mouse outfit and purse, lol) and Brayden just wanted to see daddy so he came ready to pounce on him just as soon as he saw him.

Here is daddy and his kiddos!

After 7 weeks, it sure was nice to see that man again!!

Even the dogs were so excited to see him. He couldn't even put his stuff down until he greeted the dogs for several minutes. It was really kinda sweet!
After a nice long nap we were ready to celebrate Blake turning five years old. He's as big as a nickle now (just ask him, he'll tell you!) He chose the food; nacho/taco salad. It was so simple and oh so yummy!

Homemade refried beans, taco meat, two kinds of chips, lettuce, cheese, homemade salsa, sour cream - YUM! And the drinks for the adults in the back. See mama's vanilla vodka!

Then on to the cake. This little boy loves blue. He always has and it has gotten more and more difficult to make and create a 'blue' cake every year. I think his octopus cake turned out pretty cute this year though.

Took me almost an entire day to make and only seconds to destroy, lol.

He opened his presents and got lots of fun things. His last present was the long awaited BB gun! I'd say he was pretty excited, look at that smile! It was too dark to shoot that night but the next day we loaded it and shot till it got to hot to shoot some more. I'll post pictures of that tomorrow.

The night ended with a very sleepy little boy. He remembered to set his favorite shoe out and hoped that the Birthday Fairy would arrive sometime that night. Can you see where she kissed him? See the fairy dust?

Sure enough, she brought the 6 quarters and he found them in his boot waaaay too early in the morning, lol.
He was so excited about the Birthday Fairy that he woke up somewhere between 3am and 4am and joined us in our bed with his quarters on his chest the rest of the morning. When he woke, he tossed his quarters in him piggie bank and I wasn't able to get a picture... stinker!
His favorite color is blue.
He will only wear wrangler jeans
and loves his plaid blue and white long sleeved button up shirt.
He wants to be an American Solider when he grows up.
He LOVES school.
He doesn't sit still.
He's loud, he burps, 'gasses', digs in the dirt, is always dirty and is all boy!
And I love this little boy more than he'll ever know.
Happy birthday Blakie!
I'm so glad you are as big as a nickle now!